Friday, August 9, 2013

Dire and Dusty Situations

We finally finished painting the last segment of our house, this past week, which means that yours truly now has a nice shiny bedroom (just in time for me to move out, wouldn't you know). The painting caused utter havoc to my nicely feng shui'd room, so naturally I just had to rearrange everything. Which, in and of itself, caused even more chaos. About this time last night, I was sitting on a nest made of my rolled-up rug and a large strip of cork board, facebook-ing furiously in an attempt to ignore the war-like state of my once-pristine room (Don't laugh, we all know that it was pristine at least once... A very long time ago).

But as we all know, when you start rearranging furniture, you then have to start purging your closets. Do you know how much random garbage I've been hiding in my closet for the past five years? Well, let me just say that there are now three goodwill bags cluttering up the floor I'm trying to clean. Who knew all that stuff was there? Seriously, I just found a pith helmet in the way back of my closet and am completely bewildered as to its origins. I am also realizing that sentimentality comes at a price; keep all the shirts you wore in middle school or have room for your new ones.  Anyway, there's definitely something therapeutic about throwing things away (or into bags to donate to goodwill).

Several Days Later:

I started this post on Tuesday, and there has been no visible improvement, in fact the situation is deteriorating rapidly, but the ground troops (me) are still working tirelessly to prevent total meltdown. Originally I planned to have a lot of before and after pictures to perhaps inspire you to clean, but at the moment I'm too ashamed to (I am also unable to get out the door to get my camera). If you want to know how I feel right now, see below. If I can't have a clean room, at least I can feel epic while weeding through dusty craft supplies.

I suppose the upside to this dire (and incredibly dusty) situation is that I am no longer bored.

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