Sunday, January 20, 2013

Buon Giorno

So I thought I'd posted this yesterday, but our lousy wi-fi didn't cooperate. Without further ado, what I did yesterday:

We arrived in Rome with a bang- literally. Our plane sort of belly flopped on to the runway with a horrendous thud, but other than that I am safely installed in Italy!  It was a crazy, cramped flight, and I’m completely jet-lagged, but I’m really really excited to be here. I think I am, at least. I’m still very tired and hungry, so it’s hard to tell. 
            We’ve mostly been moving in today, so we haven’t actually been into the city yet. We have, however, been to the local grocery store to buy laundry detergent, and of course, the obligatory bottle of vino (since we’re legal and all that).  We have a convocation mass tonight, as well as a fancy dinner, but the real fun starts tomorrow when we wake up at 5 am to got to St. Peter’s. Yes, you read that right, I’m going to St. Peter’s for Mass tomorrow! As you can imagine I’m kind of freaking out, in a sort of exhausted, hungry sort of way. Actually my roommate and I are sitting on the floor by the window (the only place we get internet) and listening to the soundtrack to the Lizzie Maguire Movie. 

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