Thursday, May 24, 2012

Well, That Was a Rather Epic Fail.

I know, I know! I said I would write everyday starting last week, but as you may have figured out, that hasn't really happened. I was in a really bad mood, and I didn't want to inflict it upon the world at large, so I kept away from the blog. I have no excuse for slacking off this week; unless my need to sleep till noon counts as an excuse. Who knows, maybe this post will make up for two weeks of silence. Maybe.

I had the chance to see my two bestest buds from high school while I was not blogging, and oh my goodness, it was great! My pal, James, and I were notorious for skipping things like Legion of Mary meetings to get ice cream and Bojangles, Senior year. So, although he was only here for a day and a half, we found time to get ice cream and have a great chat. I realized that even though I love all my college friends dearly, there is no replacement for old buddies. I also got to spend a day with Lauren and her fool... I mean boyfriend. We saw The Avengers, which, ordinarily, is not really my kind of movie, but I really liked it. Then we went to this tiny little BBQ place which was way out in the country. This part was probably the closest I'll get to having an adventure for a while so  I really enjoyed it. The food was served on paper plates; you went along the buffet, and stereotypical old southern ladies dished meat on to your plate. Lauren and I drank about a gallon of sweet tea between us. Then we stayed for a while to enjoy the bluegrass and clogging.

I'm currently packing up to go to camp tomorrow. I'm really excited, but I'm also a little nervous. Never having gone to camp as a kid, this will be a whole new experience for me, but I'm glad I'll be starting off with the little girls who won't care if I make some mistakes. You're going to laugh, but I actually purchased a hula skirt and Lei as well as a plastic tiara for this week. The list of "things to bring" was very adement about bringing costumes, and the last time I dressed up was about 10 years ago, so I had to make an emergency run to the dollar store. Honestly I've probably spent more money on this week than I will earn from it, but oh well. I know it's going to be fun. Let me rephrase that: I really really hope it's going to be fun.

I also got a haircut. It seems that every summer I got absolutely insane for about two or three weeks. This is enough time to chop all my hair off.  Well, not all of it, but a goodly amount. So I tripped into the salon with long luscious curls and came out with, well bad 80's hair. It's okay though, I promise! My hair actually looks horrible right after it has been cut, but it has settled down very nicely. Apparently it looks very good because I posted a few pictures on facebook, and my internet popularity went up quite a bit, which is always kind of exciting. Kind of.

I'm in a bit of a panic right now because one of my summer jobs seems to have fallen through. In addition to my camp job a lady and I had exchanged emails about a steady babysitting job several times a week.  She had promised to call me and didn't, so I emailed her again, and again she promised to call me but didn't. I am very frustrated because I really needed that job because other jobs are so hard to come by around here. I guess I will call her- getting her phone number off the bottom of her email, which seems just a bit creepy to me, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I've also done some more work on the novel I sort of started this past semester. I've run the plot by a few friends, and they seem to think it's pretty cool, so I'm going to keep plugging away at it. One of my major goals this summer is to finish a writing project- something I haven't done in years. So whether it's this one or the one I worked on throughout much of high school, I really want to finish something.

You may have also noticed that there are now adds on the blog. Should you care to click them, that would be wonderful. If not, I won't ban you from reading. They're just... there.

Well, I hope that makes up for my laziness. I will see all of you next week!

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