Saturday, May 12, 2012

Oh hi, Ohio....

Except I'm not in Ohio. I'm not in Wyoming either, which is apparently where this picture was taken. No,  I'm in North Carolina, in a teeny weeny town I like to call Littleton. I'm sure there actually is a Littleton, NC, but I'm not there. I'm in the hypothetical Littleton. Frankly I would love to run screaming back to TX, which as we know, is so much less country. Not that I don't like Littleton, but my first impression of it has never really worn off.

My first impression was formed at a small, incredibly greasy, unbelievably local lunch counter on Main St. My family, house-hunting before we moved, was standing behind a woman who was discussing the pros and cons of having her boyfriend do her tattoo with anyone who would talk to her. Now, to fully appreciate this situation you must understand that my father was probably wearing a tie. To put it mildly, my family looked really weird, weirder than we did in the big city in which we were currently living. And I vaguely remember my fourteen year old self saying, "No, no not happening, not happening" over and over again.

To cut along story short, I'm back from college for the summer, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. I don't want to be in class, but I'd rather not be here in Littleton, charming as it may be. We'll see how this one goes. 

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