Monday, March 5, 2012

Well, Here We Go Again....

Every once in awhile, I become an absolute maniac. I'll empty out closets, rearrange furniture, and reorganize every aspect of my life. Of course, this becomes harder when you share a tiny room with another person who might seriously object to your maniacal cleaning. So I'm taking it out on blogger. Yes, I am the same Epiphany who wrote on the blog Maria's Maiden. Same exact person, only older and with different views about the blog. I tried changing up the old blog, but it just seemed like a fresh start was in order.

I'm hoping that I will be able to write about more serious stuff (and by serious I mean stuff I want to talk about). Since I've been in college.... Only seven months, you say? Well, it's been a very formative seven months, thank you very much. Anyway, I've started a big girl blog where I plan to write long interesting posts that the whole world will read, and then BAM- world peace, right there, folks. Well that's my vision . In all actuality I should probably just say, "Hi, mom. I hope you like my new blog." 


  1. Like the blog. Love the blogger. xoMom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi! I am re-posting my comment to read slightly differently. I am happy to see you're starting this blog. I will share it with my daughter and her cousin. Her cousin is in her first year of college here at Belmont. Of course our families haven't visited together in probably 10 years!!! We keep you all in our prayers! I am so enjoying reading your mom's blog. God bless you! -- Margie
