Friday, March 30, 2012

I was messing around on my blog, as usual, when I happened to look at my stats- 144 page views? No way! Then I realized, I spent a whole lot of time looking at how pretty my blog is and not a lot of time writing things on said pretty blog. So, now that I feel like the Narcissus of the blogosphere, I will proceed to write something.

I declared an English major at the beginning of the semester, but I hadn't seen my advisor, so yesterday I skipped up three flights of stairs to visit him. And oh my goodness, he is a cool guy! Basically we planned out the next three years of my life, which, actually leaves room for me to *gasp* double major. I have absolutely no idea what I would double major in, heck, I don't even know what I want to minor in, so we'll just see where this goes.

I am now the new cabin counselor for Camp Cheery's Junior camp! Basically, I get to chase little girls around for a whole week. On the downside, my summer job is a week long, and summer break is three months long. So I'm hoping either to get another camp job at the lovely local YMCA or to take some summer courses at the local community college.

The weather has been gorgeous here in Texas, so there has been a lot of lying out in the sun. My friends call it tanning, but for those of us with, let's be honest, pasty white skin it's just plain ole painful, but who knows I might be a tiny bit less white before the year is over... Maybe.

(Picture is from here

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