Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bad News and Big prayers

On our last night in Rome, we did class superlatives: Who was the biggest pope groupie, who was most likely to forget essential clothing on trip, etc. But at the end, Ryan, our head of student life, said that he wanted to add his own superlative to the list. Then with a big grin on his face, he said, "Most likely to be pregnant goes to my wife, Ellen!" The whole room erupted with cheers. Our entire class could not have been more thrilled, and, in a way, we felt that this was "Our Rome Baby" in the same way that we felt the faculty and staff were our second family. We all adored Ellen, and Ryan was okay too, so the prospect of a Rome baby was absolutely happiest thing ever.

Unfortunately, we learned today that our Rome baby has a serious heart defect that seriously limits her (Yes, it's a girl!) chances for survival. It's possible that she will not even make to to term. Of course, our whole class is very sad, but I know her parents are devastated because she is their first child. So, my dear readers, I'm asking for your prayers. My class is not called the "Crusher Class" for nothing, we will do our best to crush the gates of Heaven, but we also need your help. For the next nine days, I will be posting a novena to St. Gerard, the patron of expectant mothers and my patron. But please feel free to start your own novenas, in particular, her parents have asked for prayers to Blessed Pope John Paul II, who will be canonized in October, when the baby is due. Thank you in advance for all your prayers!

Almighty and Eternal God,
we thank You for the gift of St. Gerard
and the example of his life. 
Because St. Gerard always had complete faith and trust in You,
You blessed him with great powers of help and healing.
Through him, You showed your loving concern
for all those who suffered or were in need.
You never failed to hear his prayer on their behalf.
Today, through Saint Gerard's powerful intercession,
You continue to show you love
for all those who place their trust in You.
And so, Father, full of faith and confidence,
and in thanksgiving for all the wonderful things
You have done for us,
we place ourselves before You today.
Through the intercession of St. Gerard,
hear our prayers and petitions,
and if it is your Holy Will,
Please grant them in the name of Jesus, Our Lord.
First Day
St. Gerard, ever full of faith, obtain for me that, believing firmly all that the Church of God proposes to my belief, I may strive to secure through a holy life, the joys of eternal happiness. Pray nine Hail Marys. 

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