Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sophomore Year They Said. It'll Be Fun They Said

I just got my final schedule complete with my violin lessons and chamber ensemble practices, and my main thought right now is, "What the *expletive* was I thinking?" To give you a taste of the extent to which schoolwork has taken over my life, see video.
     German is actually one of my favorite classes this semester. It's a lot of fun to speak German with my friends because it makes us feel very superior. "Can you ask me how I am in German? I think not."Actually we spend a lot of time watching goofy youtube videos and trying to insult each other in German (very challenging with such a limited vocabulary).

     Biology is another story. In fact it's quite similar to this story. My lab partner and I did indeed spend an hour peering into a microscope at some interesting little dots that turned out to be the side of our slide and not the onion skin we were supposed to be observing. It was a bit embarrassing to say the least.

    I'm also taking this amazing Anglo-Saxon history class. Basically we're reading Bede and talking about archeology. Our textbook even has pictures of random Anglo-Saxon stuff. Not only do I like looking at pictures, but it makes me happy when they mean that the actual text I have to read is shorter. Unfortunately my professor seems to have also figured this out. Ah well.

    I should probably stop checking facebook because every weekend my acquaintances talk about the lovely relaxing things they're doing,  like having fun. And every weekend I am sorely tempted to make some sarcastic comment like, "I'm having a great weekend too! Only 20 more pages of Plato to read! lol." But I don't. Every weekend.

Anyway, I'm off to get some more coffee and study German. Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. Heh. Yes, that is funny. Guess what's happening in third- and fourth-grade German today . . .

  2. I told you we're reading Thurber right now, right?

    "He was nekked. The lady seems historical."

    "He called me Buck and told me my time had come."

    "Quick! Name some towns in New Jersey."


    But we haven't gotten to the microscope and the eye yet.
