Saturday, December 29, 2012

The 6th Day of Christmas

It feels like Christmas is well over. Wal-mart is full of Valentines Day candy, and they're already out of chocolate oranges, much to Joy and my dismay. Christmas trees are on the curb and all the christmas socks are on sale. Being born of the Feast of the Epiphany, I feel like my feast day will, yet again, be totally ignored, even by many Catholics. Now that my finals are over, and I have all this free time, I'd love to get into the Christmas spirit, sing some carols and bake some cookies. Unfortunately, I have a whole lot of work to do, fun work, but work all the same.

I may or may not have just realized that I will be heading to Italy in exactly, um, exactly... 20 days. (I did just check my itinerary to make sure I actually knew what day we're leaving). If you want to know exactly how I feel bang your head on your keyboard and then read the resulting word. You get my meaning.

Although I have been out of the country many many times, I'm still a little nervous. This will be my first trip abroad without my parents or grandparents. And did I mention it's a five month trip. Yeah, no big deal, just living in a country I've never been to with a language I don't speak. Yeah. Yeah. No. If you need me I'll be curled up under my bed, shaking with fright. But seriously, this is really nerve-wracking. I have to figure out what clothes I need, where else I plan to travel, heck, I even need to apply for summer jobs. Ahhhhhh!

I keep seeing all these pinterest-picture things that say, "I would gladly live out of a suitcase if it meant I could see the world". While that is a touching sentiment, I always think, "depends on what's in the suitcase..." I am not one of those people who can just throw something on. I am, and have always been, very picky about my clothes (sorry, mom), so I tend to over pack... A lot.  I am also a firm believer in blending in, so my best pal and I have been looking through European clothing sites going, "uh huh, uh huh, yeah, we have stuff like that. Yeah, we can pull this off."So European and comfortable. Uh huh. No problem. You know what? Perhaps I just won't pack at all. Perhaps I'll just sit here and think about packing until the world ends (unless it already has, and I managed to miss it).

I am also not looking forward to dealing with toiletries. I have curly hair that requires a lot of, shall we say, taming. The whole "Curly Girl" system has been a lifesaver for me, but I'm not really sure that I'll be able to find my special conditioner and various other products abroad. So I'm afraid I'll have to stock up. I love having beautiful, silky curls, but buying a three month supply of products in one fell swoop is slightly terrifying. I'd just give up on it all, but I'm afraid my hair would poof and take over the entire country. So for the sake of all those poor Italians who would otherwise be crushed by the great ginger frizz, I will make the sacrifice.

Finally to keep us all in the Christmas Spirit despite what the rest of the world is doing, I'd like to introduce you to my absolute favorite Christmas carol sung by my absolute favorite choir! It just doesn't feel like Christmas here in the King household without Lessons and Carols from King's College Cambridge! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Communists, Firemen, and Mustard

Well, the book arranging went well. Everything is well organized, and my little OCD freak out is over.

We got and decorated our Christmas tree several days ago; it seems like it shouldn't be so close to Christmas, but apparently it is. While we were decorating I noticed that my smaller siblings were putting many ornaments on the same branches, so when they weren't looking I carefully redistributed them around the tree. Catching me in the act, my fifteen year-old brother said, "Pip! You're a Christmas tree communist!" I sure thought it was funny.

Speaking of my fifteen year old brother, he had a rather interesting run-in yesterday afternoon. Since he's acquired some really dangerous jogging habits, he is now required to wear a reflective vest while running. Anyway, he likes to run, and today while he was out running, he saw several fire trucks parked outside a house in our neighborhood. So, there he was, in his reflective vest, rubber-necking, while a line of cars slowly formed beside him. After several minutes he realized that they seemed to think he was a fireman in charge of directing traffic. Greatly embarrassed, he waved them on. By that evening, however, he found it extremely funny and told the story with great glee.

Also, in recent King family headlines: We won a vacation! Okay, my family has absolutely awful luck when it comes to raffles. The last time we won something in a raffle, I was in brownies, and we got a box of, are you ready for it? Bath Mustard. Weirdest thing ever, right? So, we'd pretty much given up on winning things in raffles, but on Wednesday my dad won this vacation in a raffle at work. Definitely a step up from the Bath Mustard.

Anyway, I shall be back later perhaps with a post containing pictures. Perhaps, I'm not making any promises.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

11 O'Clock PM

I always get my brightest ideas late at night. That's also when I get my motivation. Tonight I decided to rearrange my books. Seems pretty sane, right? Well, I've decided to arrange them from favorite subject to least favorite and to alphabetize them. I'm still plowing through the Literature section. Next comes the History section, but then there's the problem of Historical fiction... Oh dear. This could take a while.